Welcome to ulcky9.com

Our Company Mission: 

 Elevate Lives, Health, Happiness, & Business Success.  

Welcome to our website ulcky9.com or “You Lucky 9".

We called our company “You Lucky9” because we are indeed lucky to discover each other. Our consultant is highly trained and experienced in Chinese Metaphysics: Feng Shui, Bazi, QiMen (Sun Tzu) for the coming New Era starting 2023 to 2043, and more

Let me introduce you to our consultant, Tiffany Chin.

Tiffany Chin has been practicing Chinese Metaphysics for decades with herself, family, friends, colleagues, etc. She is trained in Qi Men (The Art of War - Sun Tzu), Feng Shui, Bazi, and Date Selection.

Her expertise in forecasting and analyzing your organization's current challenges and offering strategies to achieve your business objectives. She excels in forecasting the outcome of your business endeavors, providing valuable insights into the likelihood of success or failure for each project. 

She reads life destiny.  Knowing your strengths and weaknesses can expedite achieving your life goals. When you align the next 20 years of the economic landscape, you tenfold your success in the shortest time efficiently and effectively. 

Additionally, she is a master in Qi (Energy) manipulation: Capturing the good Qi, our life becomes peaceful, happier, healthier, and wealthier. As a result, we live a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Our Consulting Services

Business, Feng Shui, Life Destiny (Bazi)  

Business Consultation

Life Destiny (Bazi)

Feng Shui consultation

Get Started Today!

WhatsApp :  970 821 6259

Call : 970 821 6259

Email:  ulcky9@gmail.com

Our Contact:

Cell (970)- 821-6259 

WhatsApp (970) 821 6259

